Formaato de orden de una compra en ingles

Purchase Order Format & Checklist

Un formato de orden de compra es un documento legal que se utiliza para realizar un pedido de bienes o servicios a un proveedor. Contiene información esencial sobre la transacción, como los detalles del comprador, del proveedor, los productos o servicios solicitados, los términos de pago y la información de envío. Para garantizar que su orden de compra sea efectiva y precisa, es importante seguir un formato estándar y cumplir con los elementos que se incluyen a continuación:

1. Información de la compañía

La sección de información de la compañía incluye los detalles del comprador y del proveedor. Para el comprador, se debe incluir el nombre de la empresa, la dirección, el número de teléfono, el número de fax y la dirección de correo electrónico. Para el proveedor, se debe incluir el nombre de la empresa, la dirección, el número de teléfono, el número de fax y la dirección de correo electrónico.

2. Número de orden de compra

El número de orden de compra es un identificador único que se utiliza para rastrear la transacción. Debe ser único para cada orden de compra y debe ser fácil de identificar. Por lo general, se compone de una serie de números o una combinación de letras y números.

3. Fecha

La fecha de la orden de compra es la fecha en que se emite el documento. Es importante incluir la fecha para fines de registro y para determinar el plazo de entrega.

4. Información del proveedor

La sección de información del proveedor incluye el nombre del proveedor, la dirección, el número de teléfono, el número de fax y la dirección de correo electrónico. Esta información se utiliza para comunicarse con el proveedor y para verificar su identidad.

5. Descripción del producto o servicio

La sección de descripción del producto o servicio incluye una descripción detallada de los bienes o servicios solicitados. Esto puede incluir el nombre del producto, el número de modelo, la cantidad, el precio unitario y el precio total. También puede incluir información adicional, como las especificaciones técnicas o los requisitos de entrega.

6. Términos de pago

La sección de términos de pago incluye información sobre cómo se realizará el pago al proveedor. Esto puede incluir el método de pago, la fecha de vencimiento y los descuentos por pronto pago. También puede incluir información sobre los cargos por envío y manejo.

7. Información de envío

La sección de información de envío incluye información sobre cómo se enviarán los bienes o servicios al comprador. Esto puede incluir la dirección de envío, la fecha de entrega solicitada y el método de envío. También puede incluir información adicional, como los requisitos de embalaje o las instrucciones de entrega.

8. Firma

La sección de firma incluye la firma del comprador y del proveedor. Esta firma indica que ambas partes están de acuerdo con los términos de la orden de compra.

9. Información adicional

La sección de información adicional incluye cualquier información adicional que no se haya incluido en las secciones anteriores. Esto puede incluir información sobre los requisitos de garantía, las políticas de devolución o los términos de cancelación.

What is a Purchase Order and How Do I Use One?

A purchase order (PO) is a legally binding document issued by a buyer to a seller, indicating the intent to purchase goods or services. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction, including the quantity, price, and delivery date of the goods or services. It serves as a formal commitment from the buyer to pay for the goods or services received and provides a record of the transaction for both parties.

To use a purchase order, follow these steps:

  1. Create a purchase order: This can be done manually using a pre-designed template or by using a software program designed specifically for creating purchase orders. The purchase order should include the following information:

    • Name and address of the buyer
    • Name and address of the seller
    • Purchase order number
    • Date of the purchase order
    • Description of the goods or services being purchased
    • Quantity of goods or services being purchased
    • Price per unit
    • Total price
    • Payment terms
    • Delivery terms
    • Signature of the buyer
  2. Send the purchase order to the seller: Once the purchase order is complete, it should be sent to the seller. This can be done electronically, by mail, or by hand.

  3. The seller reviews the purchase order: The seller will review the purchase order to ensure that it is accurate and complete. If there are any discrepancies, the seller will contact the buyer to clarify the issue.

  4. The seller accepts the purchase order: Once the seller has reviewed and accepted the purchase order, they will send an acknowledgment to the buyer. This acknowledgment confirms that the seller agrees to the terms and conditions of the purchase order.

  5. The seller delivers the goods or services: The seller will deliver the goods or services to the buyer according to the terms of the purchase order.

  6. The buyer inspects the goods or services: Upon receiving the goods or services, the buyer will inspect them to ensure that they are in accordance with the purchase order. If there are any discrepancies, the buyer will contact the seller to resolve the issue.

  7. The buyer pays the seller: The buyer will pay the seller according to the terms of the purchase order. This can be done by check, electronic funds transfer, or credit card.

  8. The transaction is complete: Once the buyer has paid the seller, the transaction is complete. Both parties should retain copies of the purchase order for their records.

Essential Elements of a Purchase Order

Beyond the fundamental elements of a purchase order, there are additional details that play a pivotal role in ensuring clarity and comprehensiveness. These elements may vary slightly depending on the industry and specific requirements, but they collectively contribute to a well-defined and legally binding document.

Delivery Terms:

Clearly specify the delivery terms, including the location where the goods or services are to be delivered. Common terms include FOB (Free On Board), CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight), and EXW (Ex Works). These terms outline the responsibilities of the buyer and seller regarding the costs and risks associated with transportation.

Payment Terms:

Outline the agreed-upon payment terms, including the payment schedule, method of payment, and any applicable discounts or early payment incentives. Clearly state the due dates, any penalties for late payment, and the preferred method of payment (e.g., check, wire transfer, or credit card).

Acceptance and Inspection:

Define the process for acceptance and inspection of the goods or services. Specify the criteria for acceptance, any required inspections, and the timeframe within which the buyer must notify the seller of any discrepancies or defects. This section safeguards both parties by establishing clear expectations and procedures for handling non-conforming deliveries.

Warranties and Guarantees:

Include any applicable warranties or guarantees offered by the seller. This may encompass product quality, performance standards, or a specific warranty period. Clearly outline the terms and conditions of the warranty, including the scope of coverage, duration, and the process for claiming warranty repairs or replacements.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

Specify the governing law and jurisdiction that will apply to the purchase order. This is crucial in determining the legal framework and venue for resolving any disputes or legal actions arising from the purchase order.

Additional Clauses and Conditions:

Incorporate any additional clauses or conditions that are relevant to the specific purchase order. These may include intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations, termination provisions, or any other terms agreed upon by both parties. These clauses further define the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller, ensuring a comprehensive and legally binding agreement.

Steps for Creating and Processing a Purchase Order

Creating and processing a purchase order involves several crucial steps that ensure the smooth flow of goods and services between a buyer and a seller. These steps are vital in establishing clear communication, avoiding misunderstandings, and streamlining the procurement process.

1. Request for Quotation (RFQ)

The initial step in the purchase order process is the request for quotation (RFQ). This document is sent by the buyer to potential suppliers, requesting detailed information about the products or services they offer, along with their pricing and delivery terms. The RFQ should clearly outline the buyer\\s requirements, specifications, and any special conditions they may have.

2. Evaluation of Quotations

Once the RFQs are received, the buyer carefully evaluates each quotation based on factors such as price, quality, delivery time, and the supplier\\s reputation. This evaluation process involves comparing different offers and selecting the supplier that best meets the buyer\\s needs and expectations.

3. Purchase Order Creation

Upon selecting the preferred supplier, the buyer proceeds to create a purchase order. This document serves as a formal and legally binding contract between the buyer and the seller. It typically includes information such as the order number, date, supplier details, product or service description, quantity, unit price, total amount, payment terms, delivery terms, and any special instructions or conditions.

4. Purchase Order Approval

Before the purchase order is finalized and sent to the supplier, it typically undergoes an approval process within the buyer\\s organization. This step ensures that the purchase is authorized and complies with the company\\s internal policies and procedures. The approval process may involve the involvement of multiple departments or individuals depending on the size and complexity of the purchase.

5. Purchase Order Transmission

Once the purchase order is approved, it is transmitted to the supplier. This can be done electronically via email or through a dedicated portal, or it can be sent physically through mail or courier. It is important to ensure that the purchase order is received by the supplier in a timely manner to avoid delays in processing and delivery.

6. Supplier Acceptance and Confirmation

Upon receiving the purchase order, the supplier reviews it carefully and confirms their acceptance. This acceptance can be communicated verbally, in writing, or through an electronic acknowledgment system. The supplier may also provide an estimated delivery date or any other relevant information.

7. Order Fulfillment and Delivery

The supplier proceeds to fulfill the order by preparing the goods or services as per the specifications outlined in the purchase order. Once the order is ready, it is shipped to the buyer using the agreed-upon delivery terms. The supplier may provide tracking information to allow the buyer to monitor the shipment\\s progress.

8. Receiving and Inspection

When the order arrives at the buyer\\s premises, it undergoes a receiving and inspection process. This step involves verifying the quantity, quality, and condition of the goods or services against the information provided in the purchase order. If there are any discrepancies or defects, the buyer may reject the order or request a replacement.

9. Payment

Upon satisfactory receipt of the order, the buyer proceeds to make payment to the supplier as per the agreed-upon payment terms. This may involve issuing a check, making a wire transfer, or using a credit card. The payment terms may include discounts for early payment or penalties for late payment.

10. Order Completion and Closure

Once the payment is made and the order is fulfilled to the satisfaction of both parties, the purchase order is considered complete and closed. Any outstanding issues or disputes are resolved, and the business relationship between the buyer and the supplier continues or concludes depending on future needs and opportunities.

Common Errors To Avoid

When creating purchase orders, there are several common errors that you should avoid in order to ensure that the process runs smoothly and efficiently. These errors can lead to delays, disputes, and even legal issues, so it\\s important to be aware of them and take steps to avoid them. Some common errors to watch out for include:

1. Inaccurate or Incomplete Information:

One of the most common errors is providing inaccurate or incomplete information on the purchase order. This can include incorrect or outdated company information, such as the name, address, or contact details. It can also include errors in the product or service description, such as the quantity, specifications, or price. Providing accurate and complete information is essential for ensuring that the supplier understands the requirements of the order and can fulfill it correctly.

2. Lack of Clarity and Specificity:

Another common error is a lack of clarity and specificity in the purchase order. This can lead to misunderstandings and disputes between the buyer and the supplier. For example, the description of the product or service should be clear and detailed, leaving no room for ambiguity. Additionally, the terms of payment, delivery, and acceptance should be clearly outlined to avoid any confusion or disagreements.

3. Missing or Invalid Purchase Order Number:

A purchase order number is a unique identifier that is assigned to each purchase order. This number is used to track the order throughout the purchasing process and is essential for referencing the order in any communication with the supplier. Failing to include a purchase order number or using an invalid number can lead to confusion and difficulty in tracking the order.

4. Not Obtaining Proper Approvals:

Before issuing a purchase order, it\\s important to obtain the necessary approvals from authorized personnel within your organization. This may include the purchasing manager, the department head, or the finance department. Failing to obtain the proper approvals can lead to delays or even cancellation of the order, as well as potential legal liability.

5. Ignoring Terms and Conditions:

The terms and conditions of a purchase order are legally binding and set the rules for the transaction between the buyer and the supplier. These terms may include payment terms, delivery terms, warranties, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Carefully reviewing and understanding the terms and conditions is essential for both parties to ensure that their rights and obligations are protected.

6. Not Following Up on Order Status:

Once a purchase order is issued, it\\s important to follow up with the supplier to ensure that the order is being processed and fulfilled as agreed. This may involve??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

7. Poor Communication and Documentation:

Effective communication and documentation are crucial throughout the purchase order process. This includes maintaining clear communication with the supplier, promptly responding to inquiries, and keeping accurate records of all communications and transactions. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and disputes. Proper documentation, such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping documents, is essential for maintaining a clear and auditable record of the transaction.

By avoiding these common errors, you can ensure that your purchase orders are accurate, clear, and legally compliant. This will help to streamline the purchasing process, minimize disputes, and protect your organization\\s interests.

Sample Purchase Order Template

A purchase order template provides a structured format for creating and managing purchase orders. It includes essential information such as the company name, purchase order number, date, supplier information, product or service description, terms of payment, shipping information, and signature.

Here\\s an example of a comprehensive purchase order template that covers all the necessary details:

  1. Company Information:
    • Company Name:
    • Company Address:
    • Contact Person:
    • Email:
    • Phone Number:
  2. Purchase Order Number:

    A unique identifier assigned to the purchase order.

  3. Date:

    The date when the purchase order is created.

  4. Supplier Information:
    • Supplier Name:
    • Supplier Address:
    • Contact Person:
    • Email:
    • Phone Number:
  5. Product or Service Description:

    A detailed description of the products or services being purchased, including quantity, unit price, and total amount.

  6. Terms of Payment:

    The payment terms agreed upon between the buyer and supplier, such as cash on delivery, credit card, or net 30 days.

  7. Shipping Information:
    • Shipping Address:
    • Shipping Method:
    • Shipping Cost:
    • Delivery Date:
  8. Signature:

    The authorized signature of the buyer or their representative.

  9. Additional Clauses and Conditions:

    Any additional terms and conditions specific to the purchase, such as warranties, guarantees, or governing law.

This detailed purchase order template ensures that all essential information is captured and communicated clearly between the buyer and supplier. It helps streamline the purchasing process, facilitates accurate record-keeping, and minimizes the risk of errors or disputes.

FAQ on Purchase Orders

What is a Purchase Order (PO)?

A purchase order (PO) is a commercial document issued by a buyer to a supplier, indicating the intent to purchase specific products or services. It serves as a legal agreement between both parties, outlining the terms and conditions of the transaction.

Why is a Purchase Order Important?

A purchase order is vital for several reasons:

What Information Should a Purchase Order Include?

A purchase order typically includes the following information:

What are Some Common Errors to Avoid in Purchase Orders?

To ensure the effectiveness and accuracy of purchase orders, it is essential to avoid common errors such as:

Ejemplos de Formaato de orden de una compra en ingles

Ejemplo de \\formaato de orden de una compra en ingles\\

La orden de compra es un documento que se utiliza para formalizar la compra de bienes o servicios. Es un contrato legal entre el comprador y el vendedor que detalla los términos de la transacción.

Una orden de compra típica incluye la siguiente información:

Una orden de compra se puede utilizar para comprar una amplia variedad de bienes y servicios, como suministros de oficina, equipos, materiales de construcción, servicios de limpieza, servicios de reparación y muchos otros.

Una orden de compra es un documento importante que debe ser cuidadosamente revisado y aprobado por ambas partes antes de ser ejecutada.

Aquí hay un ejemplo de una orden de compra en inglés:

Purchase Order

Buyer: Acme Corporation
123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12345

Seller: XYZ Company
456 Elm Street
Somewhere, CA 98765

Date: March 8, 2023

Purchase Order Number: 123456


100 Widgets @ $10.00 each = $1,000.00
50 Gadgets @ $20.00 each = $1,000.00

Total: $2,000.00

Payment Terms: Net 30 days

Delivery Terms: FOB Destination

Conditions of Sale: All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges.




Esta orden de compra es para la compra de 100 widgets y 50 gadgets de XYZ Company por parte de Acme Corporation. El precio total de la orden de compra es de $2,000.00. Los términos de pago son netos 30 días, lo que significa que Acme Corporation tiene 30 días para pagar la orden de compra después de recibirla. Los términos de entrega son FOB Destination, lo que significa que XYZ Company es responsable de los costos de envío y entrega de la orden de compra.